

发布日期: 2025-01-13 14:00:00




The following communication, received on 8 January 2025, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Costa Rica.





Resolución para regular la importación de esquejes enraizados de Echinopsis spp. para propagación originarias de China (Resolution governing the importation of rooted Echinopsis spp. cuttings for propagation originating in China)

Costa Rica hereby advises of the entry into force of the phytosanitary measures notified in document G/SPS/N/CRI/286, adopted pursuant to Resolution No. 078-2024-CV-ARP-SFE of the State Phytosanitary Service, Plant Quarantine Department, Pest Risk Analysis Unit, establishing phytosanitary requirements for the importation of rooted Echinopsis spp. cuttings for propagation originating in China.


This addendum concerns a:

[ ]           Modification of final date for comments

[X]          Notification of adoption, publication, or entry into force of regulation

[ ]           Modification of content and/or scope of previously notified draft regulation

[ ]           Withdrawal of proposed regulation

[ ]           Change in proposed date of adoption, publication or date of entry into force

[ ]           Other:

Comment period: (If the addendum extends the scope of the previously notified measure in terms of products and/or potentially affected Members, a new deadline for receipt of comments should be provided, normally of at least 60 calendar days. Under other circumstances, such as extension of originally announced final date for comments, the comment period provided in the addendum may vary.)

[ ]           Sixty days from the date of circulation of the addendum to the notification and/or (dd/mm/yy): Not applicable.

Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [ ] National Notification Authority, [ ] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and email address (if available) of other body:

Text(s) available from: [X] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and email address (if available) of other body:

Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, MAG (Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock)

Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado, SFE (State Phytosanitary Service)

Centro de Información y Notificación en MSF (SPS Enquiry and Notification Point)

Apartado postal 1521 - 1200

San José, Costa Rica

Tel.: (+506) 2549 3407

Fax: (+506) 2549 3598

Email: puntocontactoMSF@sfe.go.cr


